I am Laura Hulleman, creator of the Endotype Formula and contributor to the book My Walk, My Way. Not only have I struggled in my life to find (and stay on) my own path, but I watch so many other women do so. The effect of not staying on your own path is comparison. We either look to emulate and copy our favorite gurus and experts, or we decide we can never be like them, and quit before we try. We compare ourselves to others in our family, friend group, and community. This NEVER leads to good things. My friend Angela Witczak and I wanted to create a book that inspires women to do things their own way. And, my personality profiling system the Endotype Formula is a perfect guide to help people do that. So we gathered women from all walks of life, who have overcome their own challenges, AND were different Endotypes, to produce a book together. Here on this podcast you will learn more about our authors, your Endotype Formula and how to find YOUR Walk, YOUR Way.
Thursday Mar 24, 2022
In this interview we talk about how to take back the paintbrush of our lives and create a masterpiece. Trigger Warning: We do talk about leaving domestic violence.
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